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Houston > Real Estate > Rentals Wanted > Print Maker/Painter Artist Seeks Studio

Print Maker/Painter Artist Seeks Studio


• 0 bedrooms • 1.0 bathrooms • 600 square feet

houston, TX (Montrose/Hyde Park/Heights) • 05/07/2008

I am a fine arts printmaker and paintner looking for a studio to lease in the Heights, Montrose or Hyde Park part of town. Require AC/Running water and a bathroom. Willing to share space with other artist's. Could be a store front, commercial building or house. Have two artist friends who are willing to pitch in as well. Do you have a vacant property, for sale, and would like some revenue. Non-smokers! Call Mark 713 416 1781 to discuss any ideas that might work!


Posted by: MVH

Located: Welch at Waugh DR, houston, TX

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