MA looking for a career.
Houston, TX (Northwest Houston) • 07/01/2007
I currently work for a private medical billing company in the Willowbrook area. I was going to MA school while still managing the job I already had. I finished my clinicals at an Internet clinic in the Cy-Fair area. I performed tasks such as various venipunctures, recording vitals, interviewing patients, administered pedi immunizations/INS vaccines, UA labs, drug screening, and other basic tasks that come along with working in a clinic. I have shown determination with keeping a full schedule (working 40 hrs/wk + attending externship 30-35 hrs/wk ) while still remaining focused on what I want to do with my life. I am interested in the clinical part of the MA responsibilities, but will work the "front" clinic if needed. Please contact me through email; I work full time and cannot tend to my phone while at work.
(also, do not want to list my cell# on a public site.)
Posted by: OhSoHandy User
Located: Houston, TX
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