House/Apt. Cleaning
Houston, TX (Montrose/Heights) • 04/04/2007
Cleaning team looking for houses/apartments to clean in the Heights/Montrose area in the mornings. Also, available on evenings (anywhere from 6pm-8pm); (Saturdays, 8:45-10am)
We do basic cleaning; Mop, clean kitchen and bathroom(s), vacuum, dust and organize a room. No ironing or laundry.. Extra for laundry.
Please email me if your intersted.
Apt. $50. (Small Apts 1bdr)
House/Townhouse - $60-$65. (2 hr max, depending)
Moving Cleaning. $55
Thank you for your time.Email me.
Posted by: OhSoHandy User
Located: Houston, TX
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